The websites listed below are about what has been called “practical time travel” – and are divided into three categories: (1) time-travel; (2) superfast-rocketry (forward-directed time-travel via superfast-rocketry); and, (3) suspended-animation (forward-directed time-travel via suspended-animation).
(1) time-travel
“Types of Time Machines and Practical Time Travel”
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ABSTRACT: Based on specified logical, ontological, and other relevant considerations, it is concluded that in the very-long-run: (1) forward-directed time travel capacity is highly likely; and, (2) past-directed time travel capacity is likely. Four logically possible forward-directed, and four logically possible past-directed, types of (hypothetical) time machines are identified. Two different approaches (the "practical"; the "bi-temporal") are utilized in attempting to characterize the meaning of time travel. It apparently turns out that the concept of "embedded-subjective time" (i.e. the embedded-temporality of the human time-traveler, as distinguished from either merely-subjective time or literal-wristwatch time) is especially helpful in characterizing whether time travel did or did not occur in a particular circumstance.
(2) superfast-rocketry (forward-directed time-travel via superfast-rocketry)
“Twin Paradox”
ABSTRACT: Assuming sufficiently advanced future technology, astronauts aboard a rocket traveling near the speed of light could travel into space and return to Earth. For example, from their point of view, they spend six weeks on vacation in space travel – but upon return to Earth they find that six centuries (not six weeks) have elapsed. This is sometimes called the "twin paradox" (one an astronaut, the other a homebody). However today's scientists no longer consider it to be a paradox but a scientific fact based on special relativity, experimentally verified. [NOTE: Today, the observation of relativistic effects has become an important part of both the operation of satellite navigation systems and of international timekeeping. For example, see the Wikipedia article entitled “Time Dilation” at <>.]
(3) suspended-animation (forward-directed time-travel via suspended-animation)
“A Door to the Future”
(= chapter 9, pages 281-309, of K. Eric Drexler’s Engines of Creation 2.0)
ABSTRACT: Suspended-animation (= reversible biostasis) is the technique of suspending (preserving or stabilizing) a biological entity long-term and reviving it to "full" health or better ("enhanced" health). How we think about the advanced molecular nanotechnology of the future may well play a unique or important role in how we ought to think about the present uses of biostasis. [NOTE: Engines of Creation 2.0: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology – Updated and Expanded, is an ebook-only version available for free. In addition to an updated "look and feel" for the (February 2007) ebook, Engines of Creation 2.0 has been expanded to include the first known lecture on nanotechnology by physicist Richard Feynman, the landmark open letter debate between Dr. Drexler and the late nanotech pioneer and Nobel laureate Dr. Richard Smalley, analysis of the debate by Ray Kurzweil, and a number of new additions by Dr. Drexler, including his advice to aspiring nanotechnologists. 646 pages.]
“Gregory M. Fahy, Ph.D.”
ABSTRACT: Dr. Fahy is the world's foremost expert in organ cryopreservation by vitrification. Dr. Fahy is credited with introducing and promoting vitrification for cryopreservation in cryobiology. In the summer of 2005, where he was a keynote speaker at the annual Society for Cryobiology meeting, he announced that Twenty-First Century Medicine had successfully cryopreserved a rabbit kidney at -130ºC by vitrification and transplanted it into a rabbit after rewarming, with subsequent long-term life support by the vitrified-rewarmed kidney as the sole kidney. [NOTE: Many adult human persons today are alive and well due to their cryogenic suspended-animation in the 20th century when they were mere embryos. The mass media sometimes refers to these adults as first generation "test tube babies".]
“Cryonic-Hibernation In Light Of The Bioethical Principles Of Beauchamp And Childress”
ABSTRACT: The first part of the present report introduces the reader to the term "cryonic-hibernation." The second part of the report summarizes "the bioethical principles” of Beauchamp and Childress (B&C) based on their highly respected text. Part three considers "cryonic-hibernation in light of the bioethical principles” of B&C. It is concluded that the bioethical principles of B&C — 1) respect for autonomy; 2) nonmaleficence; 3) beneficence; and, 4) justice — produce congruent, rather than conflicting, prima facie obligations to the cryonics patient. This four-fold congruence means that biomedical professionals have a strong (not weak) and actual (not prima facie, but binding) obligation to help insure cryonic-hibernation of the cryonics patient.
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This Page Was Last Modified On 14 February 2009